Projects underway (As of June 2020)
• Management of a Global Alliance for Vaccines (GAVI) funded vaccines cold chain project. This has been re-purposed in 1Q 2020 for support of cold chain for COVID-19 testing kits and patient samples.But unfortunately political events in Myanmar as of February 2021 have suspended this project. Watch this space for changes.
• Translation of drug master files (English-Mandarin/Mandarin-English) (As-needed basis)
• GMP audits, gap analysis remediation and validation planning for Chinese facilities (As-needed basis, 2-3 engagements per quarter)
• Technical due diligence into Chinese pharma and biotech companies for foreign PE and VC clients (As-needed, 2-3 engagements per quarter)
• Project management of Malaysian company's market entry for China, to include identification & selection of global manufacturing partner for p.pastori-expressed biolarvicide, local regulatory submissions, and all aspects of commercialization. This project is being accelerated in response to need for additional vector control agents to deal with Zika and other emerging mosquito-borne pathogens.In early 2018 we begin a series of dengue control projects using the product in 19 locations in Myanmar. (on-hold due to COVID-19)
• Expansion of American investment into Myanmar for plantations of Aquilaria species forestry plantations. Development of inoculant for induction of agar wood production in same species -successful deployment of the inoculant in mid-2018. In mid-2015 the project has been expanded to include an agro-forestry co-op in Putao, Kachin State.(Ongoing as of 1Q 2022, see: